
Jul 12, 2024 Call for Submission to the workshop on reliable and equitable RWE at AIME 2024! Deadline is May 31, 2024.
May 7, 2024 I will present our work on “Building Causally Explainable Fair Learning Health System” at SAIL 2024!
Feb 5, 2024 Our paper Evaluating and Improving the Performance and Racial Fairness of Algorithms for GFR Estimation was accepted to the Conference on AI for Medicine, Health, and Care (AIMHC).
Dec 10, 2023 I will be the senior chair at the causality in health roundable at Machine Learning for Health (ML4H)!
Nov 13, 2023 I will give a presentation at AMIA Symposium 2023 on health disparities with causality!
Nov 1, 2023 causAI Lab is hiring a post-doc!
Oct 1, 2023 I started as an assistant professor of biostatistics at WashU!